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Reproducibility by Design is a platform dedicated to life scientists with comprehensive guidance on designing their research to ensure replicability and easy sharing. Our mission is to empower researchers to adopt robust methodologies that enhance the reproducibility of scientific findings. We believe in transparent and well-documented research practices that contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

The challenge

In the era of information and rapidly evolving technologies, the need for robust research practices has never been more pressing.


Embracing transparency, openness, and a commitment to reproducibility can safeguard against the pitfalls of flawed research.  And while we see high standards in reproducibility from industry,  it is still often lacking in  academia.


To address this issue, this study is being conducted in collaboration with members of the University of Bristol to identify areas for improvement. By examining research processes and data handling/management at the design stage, we can ensure higher quality research and greater reproducibility.


By making data, methodologies, and results openly available, researchers not only invite scrutiny but also pave the way for collaboration and innovation.


Who is this for?

Our guidance for is for any researcher at any career stage. Initially, we will be working with academics in the University of Bristol's Life Sciences Departments to identify where improvements to research design can be made. But our findings will be openly shared across all Higher Educational Institutions to benefit all academic research.

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